Service and Car Care Tips
Thank you for choosing Ferguson Kia. When you require service, remember that Ferguson Kia knows your vehicle best. We have factory-trained technicians, special recommended tools and genuine Kia replacement parts. We are dedicated to your complete customer satisfaction.
This page will familiarize you with operational, maintenance and safety information about your new Kia. Be sure to read your owner’s manual for important information on all warranties regarding your vehicle.
Ferguson Kia is Broken Arrow‘s #1 customer-voted dealership! We’re also OK‘s longest established Kia dealer. We strive to provide the best Kia customer service in Green Country. Our team of certified Kia technicians and service advisors is always available to answer any of your Kia maintenance needs. Please call us at (918) 438-7660.
We urge you to read these publications carefully and follow the recommendations to help assure enjoyable and safe operation of your new vehicle. Kia offers a great variety of options, components and features for its various models. Therefore, some of the equipment described on these pages, along with the various illustrations, may not be applicable to your particular vehicle.